========= Changelog ========= 2.2.0 ===== - Remove unnecessary version pinning of arrow library - Drops support for python 3.6 and 3.7 - Adds support for python 3.11 2.1.0 ===== - Make ``TapiocaClient`` and ``TapiocaClientExecutor`` pickle-able. 2.0.2 ===== - Updated deprecated collections import - Adds support for python 3.10 2.0.1 ===== - Updates the list of supported versions in setup.py 2.0 === - Drops support for python 2.7 and 3.4 - Adds support for python 3.7 and 3.8 1.5.1 ===== - Adds a ``resource_name`` kwarg to the ``get_api_root`` method 1.5 === - Removes support for Python 3.3 1.4 === - Adds support to Session requests 1.3 === - ``refresh_authentication`` should return data about the refresh token process - If a falsy value is returned by ``refresh_authentication`` the request wont be retried automatically - Data returned by ``refresh_authentication`` is stored in the tapioca class and can be accessed in the executor via the attribute ``refresh_data`` 1.2.3 ====== - ``refresh_token_by_default`` introduced to prevent passing ``refresh_token`` on every request. 1.1.10 ====== - Fixed bugs regarding ``request_kwargs`` passing over calls - Fixed bugs regarding external ``serializer`` passing over calls - Wrapper instatiation now accepts ``default_url_params`` 1.1 === - Automatic refresh token support - Added Python 3.5 support - Added support for ``OrderedDict`` - Documentation cleanup 1.0 === - Data serialization and deserialization - Access CamelCase attributes using snake_case - Dependencies are now tied to specific versions of libraries - ``data`` and ``response`` are now attributes instead of methods in the executor - Added ``status_code`` attribute to tapioca executor - Renamed ``status`` exception attribute to ``status_code`` - Fixed return for ``dir`` call on executor, so it's lot easier to explore it - Multiple improvments to documentation 0.6.0 ===== - Giving access to request_method in ``get_request_kwargs`` - Verifying response content before trying to convert it to json on ``JSONAdapterMixin`` - Support for ``in`` operator - pep8 improvments 0.5.3 ===== - Adding ``max_pages`` and ``max_items`` to ``pages`` method 0.5.1 ===== - Verifying if there's data before json dumping it on ``JSONAdapterMixin`` 0.5.0 ===== - Automatic pagination now requires an explicit ``pages()`` call - Support for ``len()`` - Attributes of wrapped data can now be accessed via executor - It's now possible to iterate over wrapped lists 0.4.1 ===== - changed parameters for Adapter's ``get_request_kwargs``. Also, subclasses are expected to call ``super``. - added mixins to allow adapters to easily choose witch data format they will be dealing with. - ``ServerError`` and ``ClientError`` are now raised on 4xx and 5xx response status. This behaviour can be customized for each service by overwriting adapter's ``process_response`` method.